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Spetsotchet "Preparing the first part of the application to participate in the electronic auction. How to bypass the tricks of the customer and to provide access to the auction? "

What you will find in this report?

-Trebovaniya A 44-FZ to the content of the first part of the application;
-rule Description of the object of procurement;
-Prichiny Departing members of the first part of the application;
-Ulovki Customers (visual, conceptual, technical);
-Basic Error suppliers in the preparation of the first part of the application;
-User Applicants;
-Form fill in the first part of the application (Form 2);
Requesting clarification on the provisions of the auction documentation;
Algorithms preparation 1st part of the application;
-Basic Documents for the study of the first part of the application;
-Questions and answers;
Deduces and recommendations;
-Useful links.
In addition, you are waiting and bonus material to the report:
- Mind Mapping "Training first part of the application for participation in the EA" format xmind and png;
- A portable version of the program «xmind-portable» to work with Mind Mapping;
- Videos for the program «xmind-portable»;
- Forms of requests for an explanation of the provisions of the tender documentation;
- Form 2 (template);
- Additional information materials.
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