⭐️ For payment by bank card or Qiwi without commission we recommend using LAVA! ⭐️🚀 Operator response after a purchase/question in chat is no more than 30 minutes during WORKING TIME! We do not have queues measured in HOURS! As soon as you pay for the item - the seller gets a notification on all their devices! 🚀
☀️ We work from 10:00 to 22:00 Moscow time! 🌑
📱 For all questions before or after purchase and emergency communication you can contact me on Telegram! It´s available to everyone on my page. 📱
💵 The following payment methods are available: 👛 WebMoney, Cryptocurrency 0% commission (BTC, LTC, ETH, USDT), 👛 Qiwi (there is a commission), 💳 Bank card (Only Russia and Kazakhstan, choose the method Card RU | KZ, otherwise there will be a commission), 🎮 Steam skins, 💳 PIX (Brazilian payment system).❗️ After payment we will subscribe through your account to the author you want to support! ❗️ ✨ Ko-Fi is a crowdfunding platform where creative authors can distribute their works for a paid subscription or provide additional content for their subscribers. ✔️ INSTRUCTION FOR BUYERS! 1️⃣ Enter your account details in the special box on the right;
2️⃣ After you click on the "Buy Now" button, follow the payment instructions;
3️⃣ You will receive a 16-digit UNIQUE code, which can be viewed at the post office or here 👉
https://oplata.info 👈 after purchase. It should be forwarded in the correspondence of the product, or provided to the seller in advance;
4️⃣ Wait for a response from the operator, during working hours the wait will be about 10 minutes.