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Ready answers to the test Compensation policy of the organization.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result of passing is 95-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Compensation Policy of the Organization test.

The state guarantee to working citizens for an annual increase in wages due to rising consumer prices for goods and services is called ... wages

The procedure for basic and additional remuneration of employees of the organization must be fixed...

One organization... uses different employee bonus schemes

Levels of satisfaction of human needs are divided into

Needs from a psychological point of view are divided into levels

Typical instruments of moral motivation of an individual nature include

Means, methods, conditions that ensure the employee exercises his rights in the field of social and labor relations are classified as ... guarantees

Types of work motivation include

Forms of verbal moral encouragement of employees used in the organization should be ... in nature

Which of the following statements is true: “Motivation is

Minimum Wage (MPOT) is -

Which statement is true: “According to V. Vroom’s theory of expectations, the results of remuneration should correspond in the employee’s opinion:

To what level of needs in A. Maslow’s theory does the need for recognition and success belong:

An individual combination of motives (a person’s motivator at a particular moment is called ... profile

Which of the following statements is true: “Wage labor is

A person´s motivational profile is characterized by

What ways to motivate workers can be used to satisfy the need for safety:

Which of the following statements is true: “A KPI-based bonus system is...

According to the typological model of work motivation V.I. Gerchikova, labor behavior, characterized by voluntary assumption of responsibility, a heightened demand for freedom of action, refers to ... type of employees.

Which of the following statements is true: “The incentive is...

Select from the following hygiene factors according to the theory of F. Herzberg

Diagnostics of the current motivation system includes stages

external research development of recommendations for the formation of a new system of motivation and remuneration
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