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Ready answers to the Cross-cultural Communications test.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result of passing is 95-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Cross-Cultural Communications test.

Intercultural communication as a discipline originated...

Intercultural communication as a discipline has developed in Russia...

It is not true that patriarchal cultures are characterized by...

Unpleasant sensations and emotions when entering a foreign culture are called...

The relevance of intercultural communication (ICC) is due to...

In high-context cultures, people pay to...

Collectivist cultures are dominated by...

Harold Leavitt found that... is the most effective form of communication in a group

The main causes of intercultural conflicts are...

To describe the processes of intercultural communication and understand its specifics, ... the communication model is more suitable

Borrowing a foreign culture occurs through...

Enculturation and socialization imply...

Non-verbal means of business communication include...

Ethnic stereotypes are generalized ideas...

Ethnocentrism is...

The main areas of cultural property include...

The main levels of culture include...

Behavioral norms include...

Takeshika is communication...

The theory of intercultural communication was founded...

Forms of business communication include...

The stages of speech action implementation include...

Every person has...

The extreme case of complete adaptation to a foreign culture is...

The culture of a separate social group or layer within one society is called... ethnic culture

... – the creator of the message (person or organization) in the communication model

... is the intention, information for the sake of which communication is carried out (consists of symbols, can be oral, written or visual)

... is a methodological approach to the study of culture, which assumes that the culture of any people can only be understood within the framework of its own values and in its own context

... are huge territories, structurally and organically united into one social system with its own cultural traditions

... is the awareness of a person’s belonging to any ethnic group

...groups are groups that are formed to perform a specific job

...groups aim to satisfy group members´ desires for social approval, respect and trust

... the interpersonal communication model represents communication as a process of simultaneous sending and receiving of messages by communicators

A new social system, called “mass society,” has emerged in Europe and the USA...

Communication between persons representing different peoples (ethnic groups) is called interethnic communication

The object to which the message is conveyed, an individual or an organization, is...

The refusal of individual subcultural groups to reject the values of the dominant culture and put forward their own norms and rules that are contrary to the values of the majority is called...

Based on the way they use time, cultures are usually divided into...

Based on the method of establishing and maintaining contact, the following types of communication are distinguished: ...

Based on the nature of interaction between interlocutors, the following forms of communication are distinguished: ... story

Based on the nature of the code used, they distinguish between... communications

Understanding depends...

The concept of “flexible ethnocentrism” means...

Prejudice is...

The principles that prescribe the order of behavior in a particular culture are called...

Proxemics is...

The process of interpreting events or actions by which an individual attributes certain causes to them is called...

The role of values in society is that they...

The semiotic approach defines culture as...

The term "communication" ...

Types of speech
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