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Ready answers to the Information Management test.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result of passing is 95-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Information Management test.

One of the advantages of custom systems is...

One of the modern trends in information management at enterprises is...

Planning and analysis of requirements for an information system are carried out at such a stage of the life cycle as ...

Information system (IS) planning is the activity of an IT manager for...

Requirements for information systems can be divided into...


The final stage (stage) of strategic planning is...

EPSS systems functionality includes...

implementation of decision support to develop skills and abilities of the decision maker (DM)

Functional requirements for an information system should include...

user requirements

system requirements

The purpose of analyzing requirements for an information system (IS) is...

IT management is necessary...

Adaptability of information systems (IS) is...

An adaptable information system provides the ability to adjust to changes...

The methodology ... is based on teamwork, effective communication between the customer and the contractor throughout the entire project to develop an information system, which is carried out using successively refined prototypes

In a trading company using the 1C: Trade Management configuration, to create an online store, it is preferable to select ...

Among the signs of a company with a high level of implementation of information management is that...

Methods for purchasing information systems include... information systems

Functional requirements include... requirements

Implementation of information systems…

Speaking about adaptable information systems, we can say that they...

To regulate technological risks it is necessary...

The advantage of ... an information system is the optimal automation of existing features of the enterprise

If information technology is the main obstacle to the implementation of new company strategies, then information management in the company is characterized as...

The life cycle of an information system is a sequence of events from the inception of the idea of a system to...

Changes in the strategic plan for the development of information systems (IS) ...

Production automation information systems at the workshop or site level belong to the class...

Information systems are divided into...

Enterprise management information systems support functions such as...

all types of accounting

Full automation is...

When choosing a strategy for the development of an information system, factors such as ...

... information system (IS) is the activity of an IT manager to develop a plan for the creation, implementation and development of an IS

... information system (IS) is the total cost of creating an IS, its implementation, operation and decommissioning

... information resources are information resources owned or owned by an enterprise

... the life cycle model of an information system is based on the concept of “prototype”

... involves the participation of all functional departments whose activities are related to the area of automation

... enterprises are a set of banks and databases, information telecommunication systems that provide information interaction between organizations and citizens, satisfying their information needs

… an automation strategy is a strategy for automating all business processes of an enterprise in all departments

Information management teaches you to consider information technology...

The tasks of the customer support service include...

The components of an organization´s macroenvironment include...

The most suitable classes of information systems for a company engaged in the production and sale of its own products
The negative aspects of implementing ERP systems include...

Notations that can be used to describe business processes in information management include...

The class of product life cycle management systems is designated by the English abbreviation ...

The number of standard implementation risk management tools is…

Computer information technology (IT) is...

A measure of a developer´s ability to perform a specific job or meet the qualification requirements of the scenario in question...

Life cycle models of an information system are models such as...

Ineffective information management at an enterprise is indicated by such signs as...

At the stage of analyzing the requirements for the information system...

Disadvantages of custom information systems development include...

Ensuring software integrity over a long period of the information system (IS) life cycle by making changes to the IS software is...

Enabling information technology (IT) is...

The advantage of developing an information system yourself is...

The process of implementing continuous improvements and improvements in various parameters of the business process and all production and economic activities of the enterprise as a whole is ...

The risk of developers’ inability to implement a task is classified as… risks

The property of an information system (IS), which ensures that the IS is customizable to changes in internal business processes and the external environment, is ...

Class systems ... are information systems that support the production cycle

According to the traditional approach to classification, there are risk groups such as... risks

Creation of information systems in accordance with GOST 34.601-90 involves...

The ability of systems to adapt to changing external and internal conditions is called...

Strategic control is carried out on the basis of...

Strategic planning begins with the formulation of... the organization

Strategic planning contains... typical stages

The “…” strategy means a rapid one-time transition from previous operating technologies to new technologies

The “...” strategy allows you to quickly move on to developing new technologies and the tools that implement them, without jeopardizing the business enterprise as a whole.

The “...” strategy involves the simultaneous use of old and new operating technologies, old and new automation tools

An automation strategy, in which each department independently decides to implement an information system that automates its activities, is ...

An implementation strategy that involves leapfrogging tactics applied to a limited number of processes is...

The essence of the approach... is that information systems are considered as a source of IT services for the enterprise´s business

There is... implementation of information systems

There are... risk management tools

This stage of the life cycle of an information system, such as ..., includes operational and physical design, coding

The typical final stage of the life cycle of an information system is the conclusion from...

Replicated information systems (IS) are IS,...

Requirements for types of information system support include such types of support as...

... - focuses on ensuring the survival of the organization and its effective development in a dynamically changing external environment

... is an information system that allows, based on the capabilities inherent in it and a limited number of basic functions, to solve application problems of users

... are corporate policies, legislative and regulatory documents adopted at the state level, standards, organizational regulations

... is the potential of the enterprise, its commercial partners necessary to create, promote and deliver the product to the target audience, these are relationships with consumers and investments necessary to create a sustainable
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