Content: Ответы - Теория информационных процессов и систем - СИНЕРГИЯ.docx (25.01 KB)
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Ready answers to the test Theory of information processes and systems.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result is 93-100 points.
Below you can find questions on the Theory of Information Processes and Systems test.

For the systems shown in the figure, the Pareto set (according to the minimum criterion)

includes a point...

A system is considered superior if...

Systems in which decision making and execution procedures are carried out

fully automatically according to a set of strict rules, called


Systems that provide recording of any changes in the main

processes, transfer and storage of information about changes are called ...

In simulation models...

The Erikson-Penker method uses OCL to describe...

The IDEF3 methodology uses diagrams...

The work flow management system includes...

In case of a negative assessment of the quality of the examination, you must first...

To study systems at various levels of detail, it is created ... description

In an interval scale you cannot...

Boundary arrows in the IDEF0 model in the general case...

Collaboration diagrams are used to...

To estimate the probability of completing work on time in the method

PERT is used...

To represent a system in the form of subsystems, each of which has the right

making a decision, it is created...description

For the systems shown in the figure, the Pareto set (according to the minimum criterion

y1, maximum y2) forms...

To describe business processes in the IDEF methodology, the technique is used

For semi-structured problems that must be solved using

information system, their mathematical model...

For semi-structured problems, a mathematical model...

A complex system is characterized by the property...

If the influence of external disturbances on the operation of the system is negligible, then

applied... management

If the influence of external disturbances on the operation of the system is significant, then

applied... management

If, after removing the disturbing influence, the system returns to

initial state, then it is called...

The task of determining the goals of the information system being created can

solved using the method...

The TKR value for the network model (see figure) is ...

From the systems shown in the figure with the range of adequacy to the suitability criterion

responds, in particular, to the system

Studying business processes is the goal of the stage ...

Simulation modeling is used if...

Systems architecture that distinguishes the party providing on demand

a specific service, and the party requesting and receiving the service,


Architecture of systems that store data in the form of separate operating files

systems on a specially dedicated computer is called...

Asynchronous and synchronous connections in the IDEF3 methodology allow you to describe

connection between …

Context diagram in the IDEF0 model...

Kendall´s consistency coefficient takes values in the range

Sylvester´s criterion is:

The logic of the process can be displayed in the model...

The PERT method can be used if the duration of the work is described ...

The PERT method is based on the use of...

The Wald method refers to ... criteria

The Wald method is used to evaluate systems in...

The Delphi method allows...

The brainstorming method is used...

The PATTERN method is a method...

The statistical test method is used if...

Savage´s method refers to...criteria

Savage´s method involves...

The IDEF0 technique is applied...

The IDEF3 methodology is used to describe...

System analysis methodology...

The minimum of the function should be sought at points where:

The Pareto set (according to the minimum criterion, ) consists of alternatives,

shown in the picture...

Models based on the IDEF0 methodology describe situatio
The highest degree of integration of the information system into the environment

organizations have...

The presence of an established reference point is characteristic of the scale...

It is not true that the operations “greater than” (>) and “less than” (<) are applicable to indicators

measured on a scale...

It is not true that expanding connections in IDEF3 can display logical


Standardization of indicators allows...

The operations of addition (+) and subtraction (–) apply to indicators measured in


Selecting a model for solving problems related to information systems and

processes is determined, first of all, ...

The system output y is related to its input by the relation y=ax+b. Is the system


Random number generation in GPSS is carried out using... built-in


Gradient of a function of several variables

Assessing the degree of similarity of expert opinions is based on...

System quality means...

The property of robustness is understood as...

The state of the system is understood as...

The concept of “associated rank” is used to evaluate factors...

Representation of a system in the form of subsystems is called...

The consistency coefficient used in the examination is necessary for


The aggregation principle provides...

The principle of decomposition is used to...

The process of changing the state of a system over time is called...

A colored Petri net allows...

An extended Petri net allows...

Extended Petri nets...

A Petri net is a... graph

A system in which the interaction with the external environment is negligible,


Weakly structured systems are characterized by...

The essence of the PERT method can be described as...

Expert methods belong to the group of... methods

Simulation models versus analytical models in many

cases allow...

An information system is a collection of...

The information process is the process...

The disadvantages of the Delphi method include...

The disadvantages of the collective idea generation method include...

The disadvantages of the statistical testing method include...

The main disadvantages of methods based on group assessment include:


The main advantages of simulation models include...

Calendar time is measured on a scale...
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