Content: Link for-Appyn Theme 2.0.13.rar (214 B)
Uploaded: 31.12.2023

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Do you want to create a site to publish apps?
Then use the Appyn theme!
The ideal theme to write about applications

If you plan to create an application site, then Appyn is for you since it is developed so you can upload information from Android applications. It has several options for you to add the app’s data, video and images.
We are concerned about the speed of the Appyn theme, as this greatly influences the results of Google and of course the user. We have optimized the theme so that it has the best possible speed.

Optimized and Responsive
Adapted to any device​
Optimized for perfect viewing on any device from a desktop computer to a mobile phone. Support for Retina images on Hi-DPI screens, we have designed every detail to ensure that your site always looks beautiful in any environment.

RESPONSIVE – Instantly adapts to any screen size.
OPTIMIZED – Fast charging, first mobile design.
RETINA READY – Clear and clear images on Hi-DPI devices.

Nine Widgets
totally different​
The Appyn theme comes with own widgets that you can place in the sidebar as in the footer.

Among these widgets we have the classics of Facebook, Twitter and to publish a YouTube video. The others are for the most viewed, best-rated posts and the latest posts; You can filter all of these by categories.

Spanish and English
And support WPML​
The theme is ready to be used in Spanish and English depending on the language that is configured on your website. In addition, it brings functionalities to be used with the WPML plugin.

Instant search engine + Ratings + Social buttons​
Search engine: When we have dozens of posts and search for a specific application we use the search engine, in this case we have an instant search engine, which with just typing some letters will start to search and give the result without plugins.
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