Content: text (58 symbols)
Available: 2
Uploaded: 18.10.2023

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Sold: 8
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Seller: PixelFireTop
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Loyalty discount! If the total amount of your purchases from the seller more than:

$10 the discount is 1%
$50 the discount is 3%
$100 the discount is 5%

When you purchase you will receive immediately:
-email data (login and password via ":"):activation key

I recommend that you activate the keys immediately after purchase.


DriverMax supports automatic installation, scheduled scanning and full backup of device drivers. It can be configured to check for driver updates and download them at any time of the day, week or month. You can find driver updates for 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.
DriverMax analyzes existing drivers and provides the latest versions for over 2,300,000 devices. Intelligent and unique online self-learning technology ensures that only the most appropriate and latest versions are installed. The latest version of DriverMax also notifies and installs updates for various software packages that will improve Windows performance. These include Open AL, DirectX, C++ Runtime, Oracle Java, and others.
DriverMax automatically tests each new driver before installing it on your computer, ensuring that it works properly. It also backs up your current drivers and creates a system restore point, allowing you to quickly roll back your installation. All controllers are thoroughly scanned for viruses and threats before they are made available to users.

Supported OS: Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP (32/64-bit), Windows Server

Developer´s website
💬 Download the program

1.During installation specify the interface language Russian, so that the program works in Russian language
2.Activate the program with the received activation code in the menu Settings > Registration > Enter registration code. You will need to set a new password to create an account.
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