Positive responses: 149
Negative responses: 0

Sold: 2030
Refunds: 18

After payment you will receive a unique 16-digit payment confirmation code.
To complete the transaction, follow these steps:

Option A:
1) On the purchase page, under the "contact details" and "additional information" form, check the checkbox opposite "yes, I want to immediately send a unique code to the seller."
2) Click "SAVE". (The code will be sent to the seller automatically).

Option B:
1) On the purchase page, copy the received unique code to the clipboard.
2) Scroll down the page and click the "CORRESPONDENCE WITH SELLER" button.
3) Paste the unique code from the clipboard into the message and click "SEND MESSAGE".🔥This instruction is mandatory for everyone!
Until we receive a CODE confirming payment from you, no action will be taken on your application.🔥
Service categories :1) Followers Best Quality RU
Instant start. There are rarely delays.
Speed ​​20k per day.
No write-offs.
15.09.2024 18:33:28
Fast And Good service
15.09.2024 16:25:16
29.07.2024 17:04:58
Все отлично!
02.07.2024 2:18:27
Best service brother!
02.07.2024 2:18:04
Great service

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