Content: 0012 PHP скрипт скачивания файлов яндекс диск.zip (2.41 KB)
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As a rule, when downloading a file from the Yandex disk file hosting, you need to go to the download page and perform certain actions. This PHP script allows you to create a direct link to download files from the Yandex Disk service by clicking, without going to the page. Such a link is designed and looks like a regular link. When you click on the link, a dialog box for saving the file immediately opens in the browser.

======= How the script works

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to use third-party services to get a direct link to the file. The availability of your link will not depend on the availability of these services. That is, if a third-party service "falls", then all your links will become unavailable. And the script yandex.php, will always be available on your site.

When you click on such a link, the first request goes to the site where the PHP file is located yandex.php on your server. The file forms a direct link and then the main traffic comes from Yandex.disk.

======= Installing the script

To download files from Yandex. Disk via a direct link, without using third-party services, you need to place one file on your server yandex.php. After that, at the beginning of each link to yandex. disk, it is enough to add the path:

where, - the address of your site;
yandex.php - file for straightening the link;
url= link to the Yandex. disk file;

For example, there was a link:
<a href="">DownloadBecame a link:
<a href="">Download======= Examples of links

A single PHP file is used yandex.php, only links to Yandex. disk files will change:

The HTML code of the link for the user will have the following form:
<a href=”http://www.имя_сайта.ru/yandex_disk.php?url=адрес_файла”>Download======= Output of images and images

Also, the script can be used to output images on an HTML page:
<img src=”http://www.имя_сайта.ru/yandex_disk.php?url=адрес_файла”>;

In this case, the image located on yandex. disk will be displayed on the site page as a normal html image.

======= Requirements for the script to work

- The script runs on your server in PHP.
- In the Yandex Disk cloud, the downloaded file must be accessed via a link and the number of downloads must not exceed the maximum limit set by Yandex disk.
- For some sites, on the pages where the link is installed, it is necessary to add the following tag in theheadheader:
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer">
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04.02.2018 19:16:10
Отличный продавец, спасибо.