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Examination number 4

Option 2

1 Rewrite the following sentence; emphasize in each predicate verb and determine its shape vidovremennyh, paying to security. Turn suggestions on the Russian language:

1 An interesting research in the field of electronics is being done at our Institute.

2 Weather conditions in the North were studied by meteorologists daily.

3 This lathe is demonstrated in a technical laboratory.

4 A great number of experiments at the designing institute had been made before the flood defence system was worked out.

5 The new equipment will be housed in large shops.

2 Redo offers from actual in the passive voice; determine in each vidovremennyh form of the verb-predicate. Turn suggestions on the Russian language:

1 The Chinese invented paper.

2 Fleming discovered penicillin.

3 Millions of people watch this TV programme.

4 He will leave the ticket on the table.

5 She has finished reading the book.

6 Tourists photographed lots of monuments.

3 Expand the brackets, using the verbs in the appropriate time bands Simple, Continuous and Perfect passive voice. Turn suggestions on the Russian language:

1 The poem was so beautiful that it (to learn) by everybody.

2 Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech.

3 New children's books (to sell) in that shop when I entered it yesterday.

4 The letter just (to send).

4 Rewrite the following sentence; determine in each vidovremennyh shape-predicate verbs. Turn suggestions on the Russian language:

1 The better results have not been obtained yet.

2 Scientists are studying the currents of the Pacific Ocean.

3 Next Monday we shall be working only five hours.

4 This instrument is preferred to all others.

5 Read and writing move the following text:

CH.V.Raman (1888-1970)

Raman was an Indian physicist. He created the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1934 and was its president until his death in 1970.

The son of a teacher and lecturer, Raman entered the College in Madras in 1903 and achieved the highest distinctions in the examinations for scientific degrees. He entered the Civil Service and was appointed to a position in the Finance Department in 1907. When he was eighteen years old he published his first original optical research in the "Philosophical Magazine". He continued scientific work in his spare time.

In 1917 Raman was offered the professorship of physics at the Calcutta University. He occupied the chair from 1917 to 1933. Raman brought to Calcutta many talented young Indians to undertake research into optical phenomena, acoustics and other branches of physics.

In 1930 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (for his work on the scattering of light and for discovery of the effect named after him).

10.02.2015 12:18:36
Спасибо большое! Все Отлично!

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