Content: bookcmswrite_vasiliy_rich.exe (1.52 MB)
Uploaded: 04.07.2011

Positive responses: 26
Negative responses: 1

Sold: 104
Refunds: 1

Tutorial guide for PHP programmers for writing your own content management system (CMS). This book is very detailed, popular and interesting outlines all aspects of techniques and tricks to create your own CMS. Together with the author you walk the path of development of the principles of operation before programming the kernel and modules.

Along with the book comes with a ready archive management system and all the listings from the textbook.
At any time you can get in touch with the author and also learn where additional information about the subject of the sale!
20.01.2015 0:21:58
Вроде написано много... посмотрим :)
19.02.2014 20:06:08
Приобрёл данное творение! Буду изучать. Надеюсь информация окажется поистине ценной и поможет в создании собственной CMS. Автору спасибо и удачи!
11.01.2014 0:43:48
Отличная книга! Автору большое спасибо за труды.