Content: Проект установки реакторов РУОМ.rar (1.23 MB)
Uploaded: 11.08.2022

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RUOM reactor installation project.
The reactors are designed for operation in the system of automatic compensation of capacitive earth fault currents in the circuit of a grounding arc-suppressing device in 10 kV electrical networks with isolated neutral.
Stages P and R:
• ПЗ - Explanatory note (with calculation of short circuit currents).
• TR - Technological solutions.
• PR - Fire protection.
• EP - Environmental protection.
• GO - Civil Defense.
• CC - Summary specification.
o AC section.
o KMD section.
o EC section.

Format - DWG compatible with AutoCAD 2004-2017, Compass, ZWCAD, nanoCAD, BricsCAD, etc.
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