Содержимое: ВАРИАНТ 4_готово.doc (47.00 KB)
Загружен: 21.08.2017

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250 руб.
1.Read and translate the text
What is marketing
Marketing is the process of developing, pricing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy customers´ needs. Marketing combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, produced improvement and so on. Marketing begins and ends with the customer. Companies are always looking for marketing opportunities - possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs in areas in which they are likely to enjoy a differential advantage. Marketing opportunities are isolated by market segmentation — dividing a market into submarkets or segments according to customers´ requirements to identify consumer needs or buying habits. Marketers anticipate them by developing new products, design marketing strategies and plan marketing programs. Once the basic offer has been established, the company has to think about the marketing mix the set of all the various elements of a marketing program. The best - known classification of these elements is the 4 Ps.: Product Price, Promotion and Place. Product includes its quality, its features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee, while price includes the basic list price, discount, the payment period and credit terms. Place includes distribution channels, coverage of the market, inventory size and so on. Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling. Marketing involves the attempt to influence consumers1 needs and wants.
2.Answer the questions
1.What is marketing?
2.What does marketing combine?
3.How would you defined marketing opportunities?
4.What do marketers do?

5.What is the 4 Ps?
6.What is the essence of the 4 P´s?
3.Match the notions in the box with definitions. Marketing opportunities, market
segmentation, marketing mix, marketing the 4 P´s
are product, price, promotion and place
are possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs
is the process of developing, pricing, distributing the goods and services that satisfy
customer´s needs
Is the set of all various elements of a marketing program
Is elevating a market into sub markets or segments according to customers´ requirements
4.Match up the following words into pairs of synonyms
Guarantee Non-standard features
Outlets Price reduction
OptionsPoints of sale
5.Categorize the following aspects of marketing according to the well-known "4Ps"
classification of the marketing mix
Advertising, commercials, points of sale, public relations, transportation, after-sales
service, credit terms, packaging, posters, publicity, brand name, list price, payment
period, quality, sponsorship, cash discounts, guarantee, style, whole selling Product Price

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